Valuable Lessons The Four Agreements Book Teach Me About Living The Freedom Life

Rosie Nguyen
2 min readFeb 9, 2021


One of my friends suggested this book when I was sad because I got a scholarship’s rejection. After reading this book, I am calmer and feel very glad to try my best to apply for a scholarship. The result doesn’t matter anymore because I already put all of my efforts into it.

In this book, the author shared four agreements that everyone should set up for themselves to live life with all of their capacity.

I am going to share with you the lesson these agreements that the author mentions in the book.

Agreement 1: Be Impeccable With Your Word

This agreement always means aware of your words whenever you are going to say anything. Observe your words to see whether these words are positioning others or encourage them. When you always be careful with your words, you will always control your life much better. Besides that author also emphasize that don’t let the words of anybody define who you are. If you notice someone told you that “you are stupid/ bad… you do not receive those words and let them define who you are. So don’t receive any poison from others and vice versa.

Agreement 2: Don’t Take Anything Personally.

You usually think that other people said some things to you, so take this time for breath in/breath out and don’t take it personally. Whatever happens or someone says to you something, don’t take all of them.

Agreement 3: Don’t Make Assumptions.

We usually have the same issues; whenever someone said something, you shouldn’t take it as personality. If you want to know the answer, you can go and ask these questions.

Agreement 4: Always Do Your Best.

With all the things around your life, try to do your best. So when you put all of your efforts into the thing you do, you will never feel any regret in your life.

These agreements can set everyone lives the best life everywhere you always be mindful with the word you say, don’t take anything personally, always clear everything and don’t make any assumptions and with all the thing you do always try your best to do it.



Rosie Nguyen

Yoga and meditation lover, a positive person, a student of life.